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2021 Reflections

Jan 02, 2022

2021 changed me to the deepest depths of my soul 🧚🏼‍♀️

This year helped me understand the meaning of true enlightenment. Completely surrendered to the universe, heart fully open and feeling everything while simply being the observer of my reality. Enlightenment (in my eyes) is to be fully present without attachment and to give love with no expectation of receiving it back, and to give it regardless of how much pain I may feel 🦋

2021 brought me the most beautiful love (& transformational loss) I’ve ever shared with another human being. Through that love I was able to transmute so much pain & suffering, and heal so much unprocessed trauma. It allowed me to step into my power as a woman. To fully see myself, to step into my feminine, and allowed me to fully trust in the universe. And although that love abruptly & unexpectedly walked out of my life, it left me with a deep gratitude and an even deeper love for life 💙

It’s so hard to put into words what this year has brought me. I’ve become a completely changed woman this year (Leah 2.0 as my home friends joked.) So many deaths & rebirths have occurred. So many layers have been shed. I look in the mirror and see this beautiful, strong, driven, confident woman who walks courageously through life shining her light & love everywhere she goes. At first I didn’t recognize her, but now I realize it’s me, it’s Leah 🙋🏼‍♀️

This year I truly learned to embrace my authentic self & the special-ness I have to offer this world 🧙🏻‍♀️

I am so grateful for all the beauty & challenges this year has brought me and I look forward to what 2022 has coming for me. And I’m grateful I get to use my lessons to help others heal physically, mentally, emotionally & energetically ❤️

I hope you take some time as we start 2021 to reflect on all your wins, accomplishments, lessons & experiences that 2021 has brought you. I also hope you take some time to visualize all that you desire & desire in 2022 ✨🌀

2022 is here, are you ready to leave behind the parts holding yourself back from a healed, happy & expansive life⁉️

It’s already yours,
Happy new year my loves 🧚🏼‍♀️✨

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